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Looking for a defence contract role? Don’t miss these top tips!

With a staggering annual turnover of £22 billion, the UK defence industry is one of the strongest in the world.

It employs approximately 146,000 people and supports an additional 260,000 jobs, and as a major investor in its workforce, the defence industry offers a huge variety of exciting career opportunities in land, sea and aviation-based work.

So, if you are interested in working in defence and are currently looking for defence contract jobs in the UK, don’t miss these top tips to help you land your dream job, fast.

7 top tips for finding and securing a defence contract role:

1. Define what you’re looking for

As we mentioned above, the defence industry offers opportunities in land, sea and aviation – so if you are considering a career in defence, you first need to narrow down exactly what type of role you are looking for.

If you are thinking about leaving the military and moving back to civvy street, several the skills you have picked up during your time in the forces are transferable to civilian employment.

For example, you might have experience working as a mechanic on Challenger Tanks, or you might have previously worked in the Royal Logistics Corps – or you could even have worked in an administration role.

From heavy vehicle mechanic positions to supply and logistics, there are plenty of opportunities in defence, whatever your niche. So, think about what roles best fit your skill set and experience, and then start to put together a plan!

2. Keep track of your search

Job hunting can be pretty overwhelming, and with so many job sites and recruitment agencies out there, it can be hard to know where to start.

From online job boards and company websites to career fairs and even social media, there are a number of job search options available when looking for defence contract jobs in the UK.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s a good idea to create a spreadsheet to note down which positions you have applied for and where so you can keep track of your progress.

3. Access the help available

If you are leaving the military and transitioning back to civilian life, the good news is that there is plenty of help out there to aid you with your job hunt. Civilian Work Attachments, for example, offers the opportunity to gain sector-specific work experience prior to leaving the army to help improve employability._

Not only will you get on-the-job training, but CWAs also ensure that employees and employers are well matched prior to your departure. You could also take courses as part of your Graduated Resettlement Time to increase your skill set and aid your job hunt, too.

4. Sign up to social

One thing that has revolutionised the job-hunting process in recent years is social media – and if you want to have access to the latest defence roles, social media is an invaluable tool.

Social media makes it much easier to connect with recruiters, network within industries and showcase your skills and experience. However, if you’ve been in the armed forces, you will have probably kept a low profile on social media.

So, if you haven’t done so yet, make sure you sign up! Facebook is useful for research, whereas LinkedIn is a great tool for professional networking. Find out more about how to use social media when job hunting here.

5. Make sure your CV packs a punch

Your CV will most likely be the first thing a potential employer sees when you apply for a job – so it’s important to create a strong first impression.

Whether you are applying for a land contract role, an aviation position, or even a job in marine engineering, your CV needs to demonstrate you have the appropriate experience and that you’re the right person for the job.

Make sure your CV is up to date and includes all your relevant skills, experience and qualifications, and if you can, it’s always worth tweaking your CV for each role.

Tailoring your CV for each application may take a little more effort, but it’s much better than making 10 generic applications that might not attract the attention you need! If you’re struggling to put your CV together, make sure you read this blog for our top tips.

6. Do your research

It’s a tough market out there at the moment – so if you are searching for a role in the defence sector, it’s essential that you do your research. Not only will you need to research the wider defence industry so you can show that you are up to date with the latest trends, but you also need to research the company you hope to be working for.

From past achievements to future plans, the more you can demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm, the better. We recommend following relevant companies on social media or keeping up to date with an appropriate publication – printed or digital – about advancements in your field.

7. Don’t go it alone

Did you know that we typically spend a total of 13 years of our lives at work? So being happy in your job is pretty important! If you’re serious about finding the right defence role for you, enlisting the help of a specialist recruitment consultancy can make all the difference.

For starters, specialist recruiters will have established relationships with employers, as well as a list of roles they are currently working on. What's more, because they know what their clients want, they will be able to provide expert advice to make sure you are as prepared as possible and help you stand out.

Specialist recruiters will also really take the time to get to know you and what your personal goals are, which means they will be able to find you the most relevant jobs that are the right fit for your skills and qualifications.

In addition, having a strong relationship with a recruiter often means you’ll get to hear about jobs before they are advertised online – giving you the chance to get in there first! So, from helping to write a wow-factor CV or expert guidance in preparing for interviews, if in doubt, it’s always worth reaching out to the experts!

How we can help

When you register as a candidate with M&E Global, you’ll see that we are so much more than just a recruitment agency. For starters, our expert team will work with you throughout the entire process – and continue to support you throughout your contract, too.

We have more than 20 years of experience matching talented individuals to defence contract roles in the UK, so, if searching for a job is causing you stress, let us make things that little bit easier. For more information about transitioning to civilian employment and how we can help, don’t miss this expert guide.