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Five signs that this year is the right time for a career change

Are you ready for a career change?

Of course, if your career has hit a bad patch, there is always the chance that things will get better. We all have times when we struggle to get motivated - especially when it comes to returning to work after the Christmas break.

But if you are feeling refreshed after the festive season yet are still deflated at the thought of getting back to the grind, it could be a sign that it’s more than a blip and that 2021 is the year to take action.

With that in mind, read on for our top career change advice as well five signs that this year is the right time for a career change - and how contracting overseas could be the perfect solution!

5 signs it’s time to change career:

1. There’s no progression

Once upon a time, it was the done thing to do to stay in a job for years on end. However, if there is no sign of career progression in your current role and the chances for promotion are few and far between, it could be time to start a new chapter.

A good test is to picture yourself in your current role a year from now and imagine where you are likely to be. Does this image make you happy? If not, your current position might not be right for you.

One of the best things about overseas contracting is that you can progress your career quickly. What’s more, because roles are usually offered for a fixed period of time, you’ll have the option to change jobs at the end of each contract, so you can set yourself goals and strategically climb the career ladder.

2. You want to learn new skills

Even if you are moving up the career ladder in your current role, you might still be feeling frustrated at the lack of training and development opportunities. The chance to learn new skills and improve yourself is integral to career satisfaction.

In fact, according to a recent study, nine in 10 people want their employers to offer more training so they can develop more skills - so, if you feel your skills are getting stagnant, it might be time to consider a change.

One of the greatest ways to improve your skill set is by undertaking a contract role. As an overseas contractor, you’ll have the chance to develop specific skills with each role, enabling you to expand your experience quickly.

What’s more, because many of the roles involve working on the very latest technology, you’ll also get the chance to try your skills on some impressive machinery.

3. You’re bored

Have you lost your passion and drive? If you are no longer finding your role exciting and fulfilling, it could be time to move on. Perhaps in the past you felt as if you were challenged every day, but as the years go on, it seems to be the same old every day.

Well, if that’s you, you’re not alone. One of the biggest factors that prompts people to search for a new job is boredom - in fact, 64% of people consider passion to be more critical than pay when it comes to job satisfaction!

With contract work though, every day is different. As a vehicle mechanic, for example, you could find yourself working on technologically advanced equipment such as Humvees, M1 tanks or even Bradley Fighting Vehicles, or as an aircraft engineer, you could get the chance to work on exciting equipment such as Chinooks and Apache helicopters.

And of course, if you decide to work in supply and logistics, then no two days are ever the same. Basically, whichever contract role you choose, the sheer variety of work will always keep things interesting!

4. You want to earn more money

They say that money makes the world go around, so it’s no wonder that the issue of salary is an incredibly important factor when it comes to job satisfaction.

Statistics show that over 50% of people who are looking to change jobs are doing so because they want to be paid more - so, if you want to make more money, it could be that you need to move on.

When you undertake a contract role overseas, the pay is very competitive because technical jobs typically require highly skilled workers. The salary is usually higher than you would receive in a military role or on civvy street, and some roles even include a sign-on bonus and an annual bonus on completion of each 12 months of service.

What’s more, because meals and accommodation are often covered or subsidised, there’s also the chance to save a lot of money too.

5. You’re daydreaming about adventure

If you’re spending time in your current job daydreaming about the future, it might be time to listen to your heart. Perhaps you’ve even been bitten by the travel bug and fancy life overseas? Or maybe the winter months have made you realise how much you want a bit of sunshine and you find yourself longing for warmer climes?

Whilst there’s nothing wrong with a bit of dreaming here and there, if you find yourself constantly imagining a preferred future, it’s probably time for a change.

If you’re looking for adventure, a contract role overseas is a great way to experience new countries and cultures!_From Europe to the Middle East, at M&E, we have contracts in a number of different countries, which means our candidates can experience different working environments all over the world.

What’s more, because we offer both short-term and longer-term roles and can provide you with expert career change advice, you can be sure that you will find the right contract role for you.

How M&E can help

The New Year is the ideal time for a fresh start, so if you’re not content with your current job and are looking for some career change advice, there’s no time like the present!

At M&E, we have more than 20 years of experience and are experts in overseas contract recruitment, so if you want to shake things up and are ready to make a change, get in touch with our team to find out more today.