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Must-have advice for your marine engineer interview

Marine engineers are responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of boats, ships, offshore platforms and drilling equipment.

It’s an exciting and hugely rewarding career where every day is different – and there’s also numerous opportunities for career progression for hard-working individuals.

What’s more, thanks to the fast-paced nature of marine engineering, working in the marine industry means that you will continually develop your skills and have the chance to work at the forefront of marine technology.

So, if you’re interested in a career in marine engineering and have got an interview lined up, here’s how to ensure you make the right impression!

4 top tips for your marine engineer interview:

1. Do your research

When it comes to job interviews, thorough research is absolutely essential.

For starters, you will need to research the marine industry as a whole so you can show that you keep up with the latest trends, but you should also dedicate some time to researching the company you are interviewing with.

Start by using the company’s website, before checking maritime forums and reading industry news to gather information about the organisation – and make sure you carefully go over the job description so you can ensure you fully understand what they are looking for.

For example, if you are interviewing for a role that will see you work on a specific piece of marine equipment, you will most probably be asked questions to check you have the necessary knowledge and experience!

Finally, you should also research the interviewers themselves by using LinkedIn to find out about their role and responsibilities and to make sure you know their names and correct job titles.

2. Plan your answers

Once your initial research is complete, it’s time to get specific by planning some answers to the potential questions you might be asked.

Begin by preparing answers to classic interview questions such as your career goals, reasons for leaving your last role and where you see yourself in the future, before moving on to prepare some answers that are more specific to marine engineering roles so you can showcase your industry knowledge.

Some good examples include “How do you keep your knowledge current with the ongoing changes in the marine and naval industry?”, “What do you most enjoy about being a marine engineer?”, “What made you decide on marine engineering as a career choice?” and “Describe a project where you had to use your analytical abilities”.

Additionally, you should also try to prepare some answers that enable you to steer the interview in the direction you would like it to go in, such as any strengths you have that are crucial to the position.

3. Talk about your skills

A job interview is a chance for you to sell yourself and prove that you are the right person for the job – so it’s vital that you big up your skills!

As well as skills that are specific to the marine industry, such as engineering science and technology, you should also highlight your interpersonal skills because teamwork is essential in the industry.

As a marine engineer, you should be able to work to tight deadlines and have impeccable problem-solving skills that enable you to get to the root of problems and explore potential solutions quickly and easily, so be sure to emphasise these skills and have examples of when you have used them.

Finally, enthusiasm at the chance to work with all kinds of systems and equipment is really important as well, so make sure your excitement comes across. Discover more top interview tips here.

4. Show them you’re interested

This leads us onto our next point! Whether your marine engineer interview is face to face at an assessment centre, on the telephone or via video chat, you need to make a strong first impression and show them how eager you are._

Dress the part (yes, even if your interview is a video call!), be sure you turn up on time and make sure to turn your phone off to limit any distractions.

Whilst it’s normal to be nervous, take a deep breath and try to stay calm – remember, the interviewer will be looking at how you cope under pressure, so it’s important to come across as calm and confident.

Lastly, make sure you prepare some questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview to show them you are keen (and show off the research you’ve done too!)

Some good examples include: “How can I expect my career in marine engineering to develop in this role?”, “What training and development opportunities are there?”, “What can I do to further prepare myself for the role as a Marine Engineer in your company?” and “Can you explain to me the next stage of the recruitment process?”.

How we can help

With more than 20 years of experience, at M&E Global we are experts in marine engineering recruitment – so look no further for advice and help.

We support our contractors from start to finish, so if you’re looking to get into marine engineering and want to find out more about how we can help you find the right role for you, be sure to contact our team today for bespoke advice about how to kick-start your career in marine engineering.