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Beyond the job: An interview with an M&E Global contractor

Here at M&E Global, we know that defence contract roles are never just about the job itself.

When we employ our contractors (and indeed, as we continue to support them throughout their career), we don’t simply take into account the skills they need to succeed: we also look into the kinds of experiences and life they are hoping to enjoy as part of the role.

In fact, this is one of the many reasons our contractors love working with us!

We wanted to explore this in a little more depth; so, for this blog, we had a chat with Adam Lythall, an Environmental Safety & Occupational Health Specialist in Mannheim, Germany, who you might remember from the “An interview with an ex-military defence contractor” article we shared back in January.

Read on to find out more about what Adam loves most about his job, and how you could enjoy similar experiences through defence contract roles with M&E Global...

Meet Adam, a Contractor with M&E

1. What is your favourite thing about your job?

It sounds cliché, but I enjoy the fact that I work in a safe environment, and that I contribute to people’s safety and make sure that they receive the care that they need.

2. Tell us about the best day you've had at work so far!

There’ve been quite a few, but I’d say the best was probably when I met the Secretary General of the United States Army! I got to ride along in his limo with him, which was good fun.

Meeting the Presidents for Health & Safety for all the different companies we work for too has been great! I’ve kept in touch with one of the Vice Presidents, who has been helping with my mentorship while I’ve been in this role.

Last time I did an interview, I was completing my bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, and I’ve now been offered an extra year to do my post-graduate because of the mentorship, which is fantastic.


3. Where’s the best place you've visited during your time with M&E?

During the nine-month period where I was working on the road, I got to see some amazing places. I’ve been to Romania and Poland, but the best place was probably Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the alps of Bavaria.

I was helping to set up a programme there, and we stayed in the mountains which were beautiful; and there was a skiing competition going on as well in preparation for the Olympics, so that was exciting!

4. What are the top three reasons you'd recommend someone to choose M&E Global?

The money is great, there are really good prospects for promotions, and the people truly make the work better, easier and more fun!

The best times I’ve had during my time with M&E have been the opportunities to socialise with people outside of work, as well as the job itself. Having familiar faces to spend time with at the weekends is like having a home away from home, and that is really special.

Looking for similarly rewarding and fulfilling defence contract roles?

Here at M&E Global, we offer a variety of different roles (including supply and logistics, maintenance and engineering and transportation) in the aviation, marine and land industries across the globe; from Germany through to Poland and beyond!

Each of these roles offer a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills in a field you’re passionate about, earn a competitive wage, have complete job security peace of mind, and work at the forefront of modern technology.

Perhaps more importantly, however, they’ll give you the chance to see the world, work and socialise with other likeminded individuals that you may otherwise not have met, and ultimately, lead a successful and truly rewarding life.

and you’ll have our specialist team at M&E Global supporting you the whole way through!

Simply contact a member of our team today to get started.