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Six signs that a career in supply and logistics is right for you

Did you know that the UK logistics industry employs 2.7 million people and contributes a staggering £124 billion to the UK economy?

It’s no wonder then that there are so many different jobs and opportunities available in the supply and logistics sector at so many different levels.

So, whether you are just starting out, are returning to civvy street after being in the forces or if you are looking for a complete change in career direction, from warehouse workers to supply technicians and more, the supply and logistics industry offers great opportunities.

Are you tempted by a career in logistics and supply chain management? If so, here are six signs that it is the right route for you!

6 signs a supply and logistics career is right for you:

1. You can think on your feet

Do you have good judgment? Can you make quick decisions?_The ability to analyse a situation and think on your feet is really important in supply and logistics. In logistics, you need to be able to come up with viable solutions, no matter how big the problem.

If you are able to keep calm under pressure and resolve issues quickly and fairly, a career in logistics and supply chain management could be a good option for you! As a warehouse worker, for example, you will need to be able to deal with potential issues and make swift decisions to ensure the supply chain isn’t held up further down the line.

So, if you can think on your feet and have a strategic and systematic approach to dealing with problems, you should certainly consider a career in the supply and logistics industry!

2. You’re flexible

Flexibility is in supply and logistics too. For starters, many supply and logistics roles aren’t 9-5, so you need to be flexible in terms of the hours you work.

In addition, you also need to be comfortable mucking in and performing a range of duties to help your team members, ensure you meet your deadlines and don’t hold up the chain._

Being flexible about your location could help you to get ahead in your career too. Many supply and logistics roles are spread out across the globe – so if you are open to the idea of travel and living and working abroad, contracting in supply and logistics could well be right for you!

3. You work well in a team

If you consider yourself to be a good communicator who works well with others, then a supply and logistics role could be the perfect match because teamwork is integral to supply and logistics.

Collaboration and communication both with your immediate team and across various departments is vital if projects are to be run efficiently and effectively, and because many tasks will require you to work with others, you need to be able to function as part of a bigger unit as well.

Talking to people also forms a large part of many supply and logistics roles – so if you are able to work in a team and communicate with others, you should definitely consider a supply and logistics role!

4. You don’t want to be stuck behind a desk

If the thought of an office job fills you with dread, a supply and logistics role could be a great alternative! If you want a job that excites you, look no further than the supply industry.

In supply and logistics, no two days are ever the same – and the word boredom just isn’t in the vocabularies of those working in supply and logistics! The sheer variety of work always keeps things interesting. It’s an exciting, fast-paced industry where things are changing all the time, even depending on the time of year.

What’s more, as technology continues to advance, there will be even more exciting developments and new equipment involved.

So, if an exciting career with plenty of variety is on your wish list, supply and logistics will definitely deliver!

5. You’re hungry for success

If you’re feeling frustrated in your current role, it could be time to try something new – and if you want to take on more responsibility and work your way up the career ladder, a contract role in supply and logistics could help you get to where you want to go.

One of the best things about the supply and logistics industry is that there are so many different roles available, no matter what your level of experience. From warehouse workers and forklift operators to distribution and warehouse management, whatever your qualifications, you are sure to find a role that’s right for you.

There is plenty of opportunity to progress, too. In fact, promotions are commonplace in this industry, and the hardest working and most driven individuals can advance quickly.

So, if you are prepared to put in the hard work, you can learn new skills, further your experience and work your way up the ladder.

6. You’ve got itchy feet

If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug and want a role that allows you to explore the world, look no further than a career in logistics and supply chain management. Logistics is a global industry with many opportunities to travel – especially if you are open to the idea of an overseas contract role.

At M&E Global, we have contracts in several different countries, from Germany to Afghanistan – which means you can have the chance to experience different working environments all over the world.

Typically, our contract roles range from very short term to long term, giving you the opportunity to really get stuck into life overseas in a timeframe that suits you, see more of the world and meet new people – whilst furthering your career at the same time!

Want to find out more?

At M&E Global, we have more than 20 years of experience and are experts in supply and logistics recruitment and typically work on positions such as warehouse workers, forklift operators, stock clerks and supply technicians, with leading companies all over the world.

So, if you are considering a career in supply and logistics and want to find out more, get in touch with our team to find out more today.