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The top benefits of working as a contract mechanic in Germany

Considering working in Germany as a contract mechanic?

Without being (too) biased, our team here at M&E Global would certainly encourage this career choice – or indeed, any vehicle mechanic contract jobs overseas!

There’s so much to be enjoyed and to benefit from by taking on contract mechanic roles in this wonderful part of the world – all of which we have shared below.

So, if you’re currently weighing up your options and need a little more insight (or persuasion), be sure to read on...

Here are six great benefits of working in Germany as a contract mechanic:

1. The pay is fantastic

One of the top reasons that people become contract mechanics in Germany is undoubtedly the competitive salary.

If you’re a skilled mechanic with the right aviation or HGV mechanic qualifications and experience, you’ll be a very desirable asset to employers in Germany – and they’ll pay you well for what you can bring to the table!

As a bonus, the cost of living is lower in Germany than in the UK, which means you’ll be able to put plenty of savings aside for whatever you like.

2. You’ll get to work on a vast array of exciting equipment

Germany is well known for its engineering history and advancements! So, whether you are hired to work as an aviation mechanic, HGV mechanic or any other kind, you can be sure that working in Germany will put you in the path of some incredible vehicles and equipment, and give you the chance to truly hone your skills.

For example, as an aviation mechanic, you might find yourself taking apart and rebuilding an Apache or Chinook engine, and as an HGV mechanic, you could get your hands on (and in) a diverse range of tracked and wheeled military vehicles, such as M1 and Abrams tanks.

The best part is that these kinds of vehicles and equipment are constantly being developed and improved, so you can be sure that you’ll never have a dull day “at the office.”

3. The opportunities for career progression are almost unlimited

In a lot of cases, you’ll receive on-the-job training as part vehicle mechanic contract jobs overseas, and Germany is no exception; the experience you gain will look brilliant on your defence contracting CV, too.

This means that, should you wish to progress up the career ladder or move over to a different contract role in Germany, you’ll be in the best place to do so!

An aerial view of Mannheim, Germany.

4. You’ll get to work with talented and likeminded people

It is often the people that make a job truly enjoyable, and this can certainly be said for mechanic jobs in Germany.

They are especially popular with ex-military personnel, for example, as they often have all the skills required (and then some) to succeed in the tasks at hand; so, if you are also ex-military, you can be sure that you and your colleagues will work well together, as well as having a lot in common.

5. You can enjoy the delights of a truly beautiful country

Germany is a country quite unlike any other. Famous for its palaces, castles, national dishes and beer, you’ll never be short of things to do during your free time.

For example, Mannheim (where many of our defence contract mechanics at M&E Global are stationed) is in a constant flurry of events, festivals, concerts and parties, while Dülmen (another of our bases) offers an array of stunning cycling, hiking and riding routes, golf courses, shops and restaurants to enjoy.

6. You’ll still be close enough to go home for regular visits

For many people considering vehicle mechanic contract jobs overseas, Germany is a great choice as it cures the travel itch whilst offering the opportunity to go back to the UK regularly.

Typically, your working hours will be similar to that of the UK, but with a shorter day on Fridays; and because you’ll never be too far away from an airport, this means that you can fly home for a weekend visit should you wish!

Think that a contract mechanic role in Germany is right for you?

If so, be sure to get in touch with our specialist team at M&E Global!

They would be delighted to chat to you about your skills and career goals, as well as the contract mechanic opportunities we currently have available in Germany, then discuss next steps.

In the meantime, if you’d like to know more about what it’s like to live and work in Germany, be sure to download and read our ultimate guide below: