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Helpful Resources and Blogs

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Your timeline for transitioning out of the army

Regardless of your length of service, when it comes to life in the army, one thing is for sure – everyone will leave at some point.

Transitioning out of the military can be a challenging...

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Five common mistakes made by defence job hunters

There’s no denying it: looking for a new job is stressful.

Whatever your level of experience and whatever sector you work in, searching for a job takes a great deal of time, effort, and ...

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What does your social media profile say about you?

We all know that potential employers look up candidates on social media. But why do they do it? And what are they looking for?

Almost all employers (90% to be exact!) say that they will ...

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Preparing to leave the forces: your 10-step guide

We’ve already talked about how transitioning from the army back to civilian life is a huge change.

From making the most of your resettlement period and deciding what type of job you want...

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